Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Who Would Jesus Torture?

The republican party has commandeered Jesus as their own. Would Jesus torture? What do you think? Then why would the republicans who claim to be christian authorize torture people?!

Even the darling Condi Rice was in on this.

"Slamming prisoners into walls, locking them in boxes with insects; these memos are the smoking gun for the sadistic crimes of the Bush administration. "

"Since the release last week of Bush-era government memos authorizing torture against suspected terrorists, momentum has been building to hold the architects of these inhumane, illegal policies accountable. In a piece published on AlterNet, David Swanson notes that there are many things you can do to help spur legal action against officials and lawyers who greenlit torture and to make sure the Obama administration doesn't sweep the issue under the rug. Writes Swanson:
There are a great many ways you can advance the cause of accountability, and they can all be found at"

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