Sunday, April 19, 2009

Brushing Teeth

Cleaniness is next to Godliness, right?

Here are my Grandkids brushing their teeth.

The flash cast a shadow, but I only had a few seconds to take these because I knew once Nathaniel knew there was a camera aimed at him it'd all fall apart, the last picture is proof of that. So, I didn't have any time to make any decisions of natural light versus flash. My Canon XTI does great with natural light, but for me, it is hard to trust natural light settings indoors when I know I have only a few shots before the whole thing goes south.


Unknown said...

This is me, just wanted to say that for reasons only my stupid -dense-aggravating non-sensical computer understands, these pictures are in reverse order of the way I loaded them.

gloria Hamilton said...

You have the best looking grandkids on the planet!

Unknown said...

Yes we do, this planet or anyother planet!