Sunday, April 19, 2009

God is in the roses and the thorns

My roses suddenly became covered with aphids (the picture is of my aphids before I sprayed) this week end so I went out and sprayed then all with a soap solution (including 2 neighbors roses, but don't tell them , because I like to pick their roses if I need them, so it is in my best interest to keep their roses healthy too). I was glad I used soap instead of pesticides, because before I was done there were bees and lady bugs hanging out on the roses.

While spraying, I got thinking about Rose Ann Cash's song "God is in the roses" ( and the thorns) so here are the lyrics.

Warning, she write this song after she lost her father, mother and step mother in one year.

That experience caused her to do a whole album, which I recommend, I listen to it about once a week. The album is called Black Cadilac and was released in 2006.

God is in the roses

The petals and the thorns

Storms out on the oceans

The souls who will be born

And every drop of rain that falls Falls for those who mourn

God is in the roses and the thorns

The sun is on the cemetery

Leaves are on the stones

There never was a place on earthThat felt so much like home

We're falling like the velvet petals

We're bleeding and we're torn

But God is in the roses and the thorns

I love you like a brother

A father and a son

It may not last forever and ever

But it never will be done

My whole world fits inside the momentI saw you be reborn

God is in the roses

And that day was filled with roses

God is in the roses and the thorns

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