Friday, September 25, 2009

Bush's third term? You're living it

Obama is a great speechifier, and I had been convinced that he was not a typical politican, but here it is, almost October and nothing has seemed to change. This article confirmed what I was already fearing, we will never have the same health care as all the other first world countries and consumers will always be victims of the corporations

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

K-Pig Radio

I probably posted this before, but I can't praise this internet radio station enough. Love it , love it, love it

Amazing Web Page

I bought a IPod nano in July and was looking for some free downloads but didn't want the downloading police knocking on my door at 3:25 A.M and dragging me into my driveway in my underwear with my hand handcuffed behind my back. (I'm not kidding, that stuff happens all the time, we are after all a capitalist society where "he who has the gold, rules". ). I somehow stumbled across this web page who calls themselves the "public library of the Internet". All the downloads they have are either in the public domain or they have permission from the copyright holder, gotta love it , no guilt downloads! It took less than a week before I filled up 8 gig of live shows, some of which I actually attended. Check this site out! It has old radio shows, live shows of the grateful dead, from all types of music festivals. etc. Go there and explore your will be amazed what you find

Tori's new job

Tori has a cool new job working for a company whose products are not only made in America, but have a life time guarentee. I can't wait to see her new designs and if you look at their web page it is about time they get someone who knows something about design!

Tori's second video

Tori's second video with some of our grandchildren.

Tori the Video maker

Tori has made two videos (a third is still in the works). Because I am still having problems posting hot links here, I'm going to do separate posts in the body, so instead, you can just click on the title and see the video