Saturday, June 12, 2010

This Morning

This morning a group of us went out to where we dug that really deep pit at the end of winter. After a few hours we were finally able ti trick/chase a mammoth into falling into it. Only one person was hurt this time, no one got killed, thanl spirit of the cave bear. After a game of short straw the winner dropped into the pit and finished the mammoth off. The rest of us then cut it up into pieces and carried it back to the village where the women had been collecting herb, berries, etc to cook with the mammoth. The fire is started si we should be ready to eat by dark.

Ooops, sorry that was me 10,000 years ago. This morning, Gloria & I went to Costco and filled the back of the car.

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

More Smoking Gun

When you get tired of FarmVille check out smoking guns list of famous mug shots. The list is mind boggling, and no, I'm not there.
The mugs here are George Clinton, Funk musician extrordinaire, Rush Limbaugh & a very young Frank Sinatra

Guilty Pleasure

If you have never been to the smoking gun web page, you need to go. They collect mug shots from across the country and post the 15 most memorable every week. I feel a little guilty being entertained by the pain of other people getting arrested, but hey, "there by the Grace of God". Click on the title of this blog and go to one set of weekly winners.

Party of No: How Republicans and the Right Have Tried to Thwart All Social Progress

You name it, the republicans and the right have opposed it, health care, civil rights, womems rights, school desegration, labor rights, protecting the environment, medical marijuana. All they seem to be in favor of is destroying the government, then complain when it doesn't move fast enough to line their pockets.

Good Bye K-PIG Hello Pandora

K-PIG went back to a subscription format that was so complicated I couldn't even log in. I have found something better and the vasic version is free. You may already know about it. It called Pandora and it sets up radio stations with only music that you like. The way it works is you pick a band you like, say Los Lobos, then it plays only music ny Los Lobos or something somewhat similiar. Pandora is called the music geneome project which sounds a little scary like there is DNA being extracted or something. But, try it some day, go to, its free unless you can't stand a 30 second commerical every 15 songs or so.