Friday, December 23, 2011

Reason for the Season? the post I put on FB

From the link-

"Let’s get something straight, we love Jesus. Love His style. Love His message. Love how He loves! When we hear things like ‘Jesus is the Reason for the Season’, our educated self screams at the stupidity! Let us clarify our position. Jesus is a great guy and everything but by no means does he monopolize December. For Christians, December means Christmas and the celebration of the birth of Christ. For Jews, December is the time of the Festival of Lights, or Hanukkah, where they celebrate the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem for 8 days. Muslims sometimes celebrate the Islamic New Year in December depending on the day it falls. Buddhists have Boddhi Day which celebrates the day that the Buddha attained enlightenment. African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa which celebrates universal African American heritage and culture. Pagans have long celebrated Yule and the Winter Solstice around the 21st of the month. So, by saying only Merry Christmas, we are completely ignoring, disenfranchising and disrespecting the faith and priorities of others. Now, that does not sound like Jesus Christ, does it?"

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