Monday, May 02, 2005

Radio on the Internet

In 1977 I went to San Jose to visit my in-laws, Steven & Linda Core. While they were at work I had a little time on my hands and started noodling around with the radio, trying to see what was on and I ran across KFAT Radio out of Gilroy, CA. My musical life has not been the same since. Alas and alack, KFAT no longer exits, but it did morph into KPIG radio. Since I have never lived within a FM wave of San Jose I only got to listen on visits out of my own area. Until the advent of the inetrnet that is. Miracle of miracles, I found KPIG on the Internet (not to be confused with Hog Ranch Radio, the pirate station high in the Sierras that broadcasts only about 10 days a year).
So I was in hog Heaven listenting to KPIG, no pun intended, on the internet until the **#**# ing lawyers got involved and KPIG had some liscensing issues with the music so they had to start charging to listen.

That is the bad news.

The good news: I've found some free stations that play that good 'ol Americana-canjun-celtic-hawaiian-country-psycho-jam-bluegrass type of music. is a community based public radio station that plays lots of different types of music but concentrates on the type of music one would heard at the Strawberry Music festival. (if you go to this site click on fun stuff, then click on photos and go to fall 2003, you'll see "3 generations of Strawberrians", which is Nathaniel, Michael, Ron & me! ; note: I've lost 50 lbs since that picture was taken) is a weekly radio show that broadcasts on the net. BUT the real reason I'm passing this one on is because of the incredible archive of old shows that are available on demand. When you go to the site click on 'general store' and you'll arrive at the archive. I'm listening/watching to a video right now.

I've listened to for several years now, it is worth checking out, but you'll need to check out the program schedule to tune when there is something you like.

The best part? These sites are all free!!!


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